Puppet Class: opengrok

Defined in:


Class: opengrok

This is the basic class needed to install and configure an OpenGrok instance.



Declaring the class

include opengrok

Defining the opengrok::projects Hash with two git projects

opengrok::projects {
  puppet-opengrok           => {
    source                  => 'https://github.com/jordanconway/puppet-opengrok.git',
    ensure                  => 'latest',
  opengrok                  => {
    source                  => 'https://github.com/OpenGrok/OpenGrok.git',
    ensure                  => 'latest',


  • download_url (Pattern[/^https?[^\s]*(\.zip|tar\.gz)$/]) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::download_url)

    Specifies the url to download the OpenGrok binaries from. Valid options: A String (containing an url pointing to a .zip/tar.gz binary release from https://github.com/OpenGrok/OpenGrok/releases/). Example Value: 'https://github.com/OpenGrok/OpenGrok/files/467358/opengrok-'.

  • manage_git (Boolean) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::manage_git)

    Specifies wether or not to manage git, if true it will include ::git. Valid options: true, false. Example Value: true.

  • manage_tomcat (Boolean) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::manage_tomcat)

    Specifies wether or not to manage tomcat, if true it will include ::tomcat. Valid options: true, false. Example Value: true.

  • service_name (String) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::service_name)

    Specifies the service name for tomcat. Valid options: A string. Example Value: tomcat

  • install_ctags (Boolean) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::install_ctags)

    Specifies wether or not to install ctags, will install system ctags package if true. Valid options: true, false. Example Value: true.

  • ctags_package (String) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::ctags_package)

    Specifies the name of the system ctags package. Valid options: String of package name. Example Value: 'ctags'

  • opengrok_dir (Stdlib::Absolutepath) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::opengrok_dir)

    Specifies the directory to install the OpenGrok binaries to. Valid options: Absolute Path. Example Value: '/opt/opengrok'

  • projects (Optional[Hash]) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::projects)

    A hash of git projects to be served by OpenGrok. This can is an alternative to defining opengrok::project types Valid options: Hash

  • catalina_home (Stdlib::Absolutepath) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::catalina_home)

    Specifies the catalina_home directory of your tomcat install, ie: where the tomcat 'webapps' directory resides. Valid options: Absolute path. Example Value: '/var/lib/tomcat'

  • body_text (String) (defaults to: $::opengrok::params::body_text)