Puppet Class: opengrok::config
- Defined in:
- manifests/config.pp
Class opengrok::config
This class is called from opengrok for service config.
Specifies the directory to install the OpenGrok binaries to. Valid options: Absolute Path. Example Value: '/opt/opengrok'
A hash of git projects to be served by OpenGrok. This can is an alternative to defining opengrok::project types Valid options: Hash
Specifies the catalina_home directory of your tomcat install, ie: where the tomcat 'webapps' directory resides. Valid options: Absolute path. Example Value: '/var/lib/tomcat'
Replaces the default body text for opengrok on the main page. Valid options: String. Example Value: 'Check out our
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# File 'manifests/config.pp', line 26 class opengrok::config ( $projects, $opengrok_dir, $catalina_home, $body_text, $config_hash, ){ #get sources if is_hash($projects) { $projects.each |$resource, $options| { ::opengrok::project { $resource: * => $options, notify => Exec['opengrok_update'], require => Exec['opengrok_deploy'], } } } # Configure body text file {"${catalina_home}/webapps/source/index_body.html": ensure => present, content => template('opengrok/index_body.html.erb'), mode => '0644', require => Exec['opengrok_deploy'], } #fix opengrok scipt file {"${opengrok_dir}/bin/OpenGrok": ensure => present, content => template('opengrok/OpenGrok.erb'), mode => '0555', } # OpenGrok config file file {'/var/opengrok/etc/opengrok.conf': ensure => present, content => template('opengrok/opengrok.conf.erb'), mode => '0644', require => Exec['opengrok_deploy'], } #run depoloy script exec { 'opengrok_deploy': command => "${opengrok_dir}/bin/OpenGrok deploy", creates => '/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/source.war', require => File["${opengrok_dir}/bin/OpenGrok"], } #run index exec { 'opengrok_index': command => "${opengrok_dir}/bin/OpenGrok index", creates => '/var/opengrok/etc/configuration.xml', environment => 'OPENGROK_CONFIGURATION=/var/opengrok/etc/opengrok.conf', require => [ Exec['opengrok_deploy'], File["${opengrok_dir}/bin/OpenGrok"], File['/var/opengrok/etc/opengrok.conf'], ], } # Update index exec { 'opengrok_update': command => "${opengrok_dir}/bin/OpenGrok update", refreshonly => true, environment => 'OPENGROK_CONFIGURATION=/var/opengrok/etc/opengrok.conf', require => [ Exec['opengrok_index'], File["${opengrok_dir}/bin/OpenGrok"], File['/var/opengrok/etc/opengrok.conf'], ], } }
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